Sunday, August 18, 2013

JavaScript - Regex to format currency

A simple way to format currency! Given a number, format it to a currency-esque format.

number.toFixed(decimalPlaces).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,");


Symbol (EG: R, $):
Number (EG: 1234567.50):
Decimal Places (EG: 1, 2, 3 - Probably 2):

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Handler "PHP53_via_FastCGI" has a bad module "FastCgiModule" in its module list

I found this error after installing PHP on IIS, and attempting to browse to a local .php page.

Do the following to fix it.

1.) Go to Add / Remove Programs
2.) Click "Turn Windows features on or off"
3.a.) Open "Internet Information Services"

3.b.) Open "World Wide Web Services"
3.c.) Open "Application Development Features"
3.d.) Tick "CGI"
3.e.) Click "OK
3.f) Wait for it to complete.

4.) Attempt to go to your php page again.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Online ASP.NET ViewState Decoder

I was looking for one of these, and it took me awhile to locate - Maybe someone will find it useful :)
Link: Here

Monday, July 8, 2013

XNB Decompressor

Whilst messing around with some XNA .XNB files, I wanted to see if I could extract any useful information from them.

A bit of googling later lead me to an archive with several files, and this!

Whilst it keeps the files as the ".xnb" format, it decompresses them allowing you to pull some info using a basic text editor :)

Thanks to the XeNTaX forum for the link :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

3D JavaScript is weird...

3D JavaScript is weird...

An object can ONLY be collided with if it's in the scene, even if you're only using the object collection as collision reference.
The problem is that an object can only be collided with if it's of type geometry , which normal .obj's aren't.

Now, for the fun part!

Rendering a textured object is significantly faster than rendering an object with a mesh, so, whilst you could just use textured mesh's and render those, this is slow as heck.

And how do you get past this dilemma... ?

Add both the object AND the mesh to the scene, and hide the mesh's. Since they're technically there, they can still be collided with, and since they're invisible, they don't use rendering cycles ;D

Result: 60 FPS with full collision ♥

Friday, May 17, 2013

How to block ads from websites

As you probably see below this post (If it's the latest) and on the right of the page under the "Site History", I have added some ads.

But fret not - For this post shall include how to remove ads such as these! \o/

1.) Download and install Adblock for Firefox, Chrome, or Opera - If you're using IE... Download Chrome ^_^
2.) Subscribe to the recommended filter list - Should be called 'EasyList'
3.) Enjoy an ad-free experience :D
4.) Example With Adblock Installed: Click Me :D
Note: Some of the items in the image (Pencil, Spanner, Etc) only appear for me since I own the page ^_^

Monday, May 6, 2013

Create a SQL Database using an existing MDF File

If you have an MDF file, and you need to create a SQL Database from it using code, do the following:
USE [master]
CREATE DATABASE [insert_database_name_here] ON 
( FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\fileNameHere.mdf' ),